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Privacy Policy

Bizmetric Privacy Policy  Scope  Bizmetric is committed to offering a secure and robust digital experience to its clients. Our GDPR compliant framework collectively describes the following agendas:  The reason why we collect personal information.  What information we collect and how we use it.  How the collected data is kept secure.  Who uses the collated information?  […]

Bizmetric Privacy Policy 


Bizmetric is committed to offering a secure and robust digital experience to its clients. Our GDPR compliant framework collectively describes the following agendas: 

The data we collect

You can browse through our website without revealing any information of yours. If you are comfortable sharing your personal information with us, you agree to the data transfer and storage compliances of our server. Generally, we look for the below-mentioned information: – 


We in no way share your personal information with third-party vendors for their marketing initiatives without any consent given from your end. We may also integrate your data and the information collected from other similar data analytics companies to improve our services and the array of offerings to achieve an improved customer experience.

The purpose behind data collection 

Our company stands by the principle of customer-centricity. We believe in offering an experience that is smooth, flexible, and reliable. The user’s information works towards the following agendas.

Information Disclosure 

In case of legal issues, protection of the information-related rights, and enforcement of the policies, we are bound to disclose the personal information of yours that we have with us. We can share the information with the following entities if required in the case.

Security and Spam 

We do not tolerate spam. If you happen to come across any such spoofs or spam emails, forward them to Our dedicated technical support team manually go through the mails and raise alarming ticket against any virus or phishing attacks that have either intervened the system or likely to do so in the future. 

Data undoubtedly is an asset. We assure your data is kept in a highly secured environment. Our server has an array of encryption, passwords, and physical safety standards that keep your data safe from becoming the victim of any malicious attack. 


We use cookies to simplify the page flow analysis of the website. It helps customize the services for better advertising. The user identification through signed-in status becomes possible with the implementation of cookies. There are “session cookies” that automatically get deleted from the hard drive once the session gets over. If the browser permits you to decline the request for cookies, the decision rests by your side.


Using this website, the users confirm their adherence to the data practices and their related terms and conditions specified in this privacy policy. We ensure early intimidation of any changes, if made in the information, that might impact your business. The users hereby can provide their consent to the changes that were intimidated to them in advance. 

For any queries associated with the privacy policy, feel free to reach us at