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Hadoop migration to Azure: 6-Wk Proof of Concept

Roadmap your Hadoop migration to Azure with Bizmetric’s free 6-Wk Migration Proof of Concept.

Explore seamless Hadoop migration to Azure with Bizmetric. Discover how our expertise ensures a smooth transition for enhanced data management and performance.

What is included in our Hadoop migration to Azure: 6-Wk Proof of Concept

Through our proof of concept, we will:

  • Review the current Hadoop environment.
  • Design/size/cost the Azure service design and network design.
  • Define security design for Azure environment.
  • Propose a migration roadmap.

Challenges with Hadoop

  • Insufficient cluster utilization.
  • It is impossible to perform automated testing of end-to-end solutions.
  • Slow processing speed.
  • Security.
  • Lack of multiple data support.
  • Complex distributed system with low-level APIs.
  • Lack of scalability and performance.

How migration to Azure overcome the challenges

  • Significant investment cost reduction.
  • High-Security elements to protect the safety of assets.
  • Flexibility and scalability.
  • Automated cluster creation.
  • Easy management, administration, and monitoring.
  • Direct integration with most popular BI tools.
  • Secure and compliant.
  • Enhanced productivity.

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The ML-enabled Logistics Solution of Bizmetric delivered out of the box results. The sales touched the top figure brackets with an extraordinary improvement in productivity.

Arif Maredia
Supply Chain & Strategic Sourcing

Bizmetric and its team successfully implemented the BI Solution at Newpark. Their work met the business as well as the quality expectations.

Lisa Chommany
Operation Business Analyst

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