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MLOps: 6-Wk Production Implementation

MLOps, or DevOps for machine learning, enables Data Science and IT teams to collaborate and increase the pace of model development and deployment via monitoring, validation, and governance of machine. With Azure ML and Azure DevOps, you can effectively and cohesively manage your datasets, experiments, models, and ML-infused applications.

We follow Agile Sprint Methodology to implement MLOps in 4 sprints which includes Testing, QA, and Productization of MLOps framework. Implementation of the entire framework takes approximately 8 weeks including the technical documentation and training.

Key Challenges solved by MLOps:

    • Model reproducibility & versioning.
    • Track, snapshot, and manage assets used to create the model.
    • Enable collaboration and sharing of ML pipelines.
    • Model auditability & explain ability.
    • Maintain asset integrity & persist access control logs.
      And many more..

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The ML-enabled Logistics Solution of Bizmetric delivered out of the box results. The sales touched the top figure brackets with an extraordinary improvement in productivity.

Arif Maredia
Supply Chain & Strategic Sourcing

Bizmetric and its team successfully implemented the BI Solution at Newpark. Their work met the business as well as the quality expectations.

Lisa Chommany
Operation Business Analyst

Bizmetric renders outstanding Oracle Services Their expertise in delivering a high-performance Data Analytics Solution under the aegis of top-class experts is great.

Lesia Winbush
Experienced Billing Manager

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