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The relevance of big data and advanced analytics in oil and gas industry

1 min read

Nov 26, 2019

Big data and Advanced analytics – Data is the key that unlocks the untapped potential and opportunities for the business. Despite vast data sources, many industries use not even 5% of them. The oil & gas industry is the one among them.

The solution needs to be robust to simplify this smart challenge. Here, the advanced analytics with its agile methodology comes into the picture. The adoption of analytical practices can improve the entire value chain of the oil & gas industry. Right from exploration and production to processing and retailing, the analytics and its capabilities help harness the best possible option out of the existing process. The Big Data and Advanced Analytics paves the path for digital transformation and upgrade the IT platform.

Some of the benefits that come handy with Advanced Analytics are as follows: –

Energy companies are automating nearly 80% of their routine tasks with the Advanced Analytics best practices.
  • Seamless flow of the information

The real-time availability of the data is a must for the industry like Oil & Gas. The seamless flow of the information not only reduces the operational complexity but also help avert the issues and the faults that might occur in the future.

  • IoT driven applications

The digitized era has everything connected. The involvement of IoT brings forth the concept of connected devices. The sensor-enabled devices are accurately connected and ensure data availability with absolute ease. The obtained data are then analyzed using modern tools.

  • Accurate prediction with improved prescription

In the Oil & Gas Industry, multiple operations run in parallel and generate an abundant amount of data. The advanced analytics platform run analytical tools on these data and predict the chances or the likelihood of occurrence of any failure in the future. This way, the optimum steps that would negate the occurrence of such mishap is already taken in advance.

  • Artificial Intelligence coming into the future

Capitalizing on the data is still a challenge for the energy industry. The inclusion of AI-based solutions automates the end-to-end processes of the upstream sector and accelerates the pace of production and site development. The production analytics of the energy industry enhances the overall efficiency and help gain a comparative competitive edge.

The nucleus of analytics

The adoption of analytics brings with it several advantages. Increase in oil recovery rate, enhanced optimization, more innovative solutions for exploration activities, and better predictive solutions are among the host of benefits that favors the industry. Data is an asset, and big data and advanced analytics is the factor that drives the enablement of smart features across the industry value-chain. The crux of the solution implementation lies in the abled capabilities of the analytics that it delivers. Currently, the industry is targeting to sustain the cascading effect of the factors that leave a long-lasting impact on the industry. Though the journey of achieving sustenance will be time-taking, with analytics, the viability of the same increases to a large extent. The deployment of analytics in the energy industry will prove fruitful in the longer run.


Whether you are looking for ways of optimizing the production process or trying to minimize the risks associated with the downstream operations of refining petroleum products, data always has a share of playing the role of a crucial determinant. The enterprise transition from the legacy system to the data-enabled system leverages the inclination of the organization towards open-source business models and help reduce the error margin significantly.

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